We love books over here. So much so that sometimes I find Clay reading his books in the dark. I thought today my Friday Favorites would be to share a few of our favorite children’s books. We have many but I’ll try to narrow it down to our current favorites. I say “our” because, yes, I also get a say because I have to read them over and over and over again.

- Dear Zoo, This is such a cute book and a quick read before bedtime. Clay and Karlyanne have it memorized and we could pretty much read it every night. I mean who doesn’t enjoy a good book about the zoo?
- Big Blue Truck, I’m pretty sure this is my favorite. I get to make all the animal sounds and read about a helpful little blue truck. What more could you want in a children’s book? I bought Little Blue Truck Leads The Way for Clay’s Easter basket this year. I still prefer the original, but it’s cute too.
- I love you, Stinky Face, Clay LOVES this one. Probably because he keeps getting to say “stinky” which is one of his go to words.
- Brown Bear, Brown Bear, What do you See? Most of you probably have this book or a version of it. We have a few of them and the kids read them daily. This was a favorite for me as a kid and I believe the first book I felt like I could officially read by myself way back when. I think it’s really helped my kids learn their animals.
- Freight Train, This has been a great book for Clay in helping him with his colors. It’s a simple and short book but so darn cute. I have to thank my mom for this one.
- Room on the Broom, Karlyanne reads this one a lot. We won this book in a fall festival basket and it’s adorable. It also has a movie that is great. It was on Netflix so hopefully it will remain there because I don’t mind watching this one.
Well, there you have it. A few of our favorites. Most of them are board books and probably better for the younger kids but Karlyanne, who is 4 going on 16, still enjoys them.
What are the favorites in your household?