Between doing dishes, tripping over the dog, catching up on emails, arguing with a 3 year old, folding laundry, hearing my phone buzzing, editing photos, throwing food into the crock pot, and making something for Karlyanne’s first preschool bake sale, I found a moment to skim through some personal photos and saw these.  Tim often makes the observation that toddlers are gross…and honestly, I totally agree.  Gross…yes, but so funny.  I wouldn’t trade them for the world.  Can you imagine if we looked like this after we were done with a meal?  I bet you’re craving spaghetti now.  Right? 😉

Okay, back to work for me.

Before I go, I wanted to mention that I’ll be starting a blog series next week on how I organize AND plan to keep my personal photos organized.  I will admit I’m behind, but I’ve made plan and it’s in motion to get caught up and stay caught up.  Any one else feel overwhelmed with their personal photos???


Toddlers are Gross


Photos that celebrate the life you have created.

Pittsburgh Family Photos